⚠️ Abload is going offline.

Unfortunately, we have sad news to announce:
Abload.de and all uploaded images and links will go offline at the end of 30th June 2024.
Further information can be found on the homepage of abload.de if needed.

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What is abload.de (Abload)?

Abload is a freely usable hosting service - meaning a storage space where users can upload their images to, for example, link them on the internet. Abload itself does not upload images, does not categorize them, does not structure them, does not make them searchable, does not publish them and does not promote them. The links to the images and the image pages on abload.de are only known to the user who uploaded them. Other internet users and services can only access the images if this user shares or publishes the links to the images. Sharing or publishing on/through abload.de itself is not possible - Abload is not an online platform. At the same time, Abload does not provide any incentives for uploading, sharing/publishing, or viewing/downloading images, but acts as a neutral intermediary of data without any active role. Furthermore, Abload is a microenterprise within the meaning of Recommendation 2003/361/EC of the Commission.

Abload has a strict set of rules that its users must adhere to. If you are nevertheless aware of any images that have been uploaded to our servers unlawfully, please notify us promptly through our contact form. We typically address your concerns within a few hours.

Would you like to get in touch with us? It's best to use our contact form. Thank you!

Legal information (address)

Jens Hummert
Hermannstraße 224a
12049 Berlin-Neukölln

Phone: +49 15678 / 586968
Email: mail@abload.de

VAT ID: DE273515294

Contact | Report violations / Abuse

Central Contact points

Central contact points for the authorities of the Member States, the Commission, and the Board, as well as contact points for users of our service, both in German and English language:

E-Mail: mail@abload.de
Phone: +49 (0) 15678 586968

To report an abusive use of our service, please click here and select “Abuse, Deletion of images” under “Type of inquiry” (reporting and remedy procedure regarding the presence of individual information for individuals and institutions).


Oxygen-Iconset. Lizensiert unter Creative Commons
famfamfam-Iconset. Lizensiert unter Creative Commons

jQuery. Lizensiert unter GPL
jQuery UI jQuery Cookie. Lizensiert unter GPL
IE PNG Alpha Fix v2.0 Alpha 3. Lizensiert unter LGPL